Stupid, Lazy or Mean?

Examples of bad Customer Service or downright dishonesty. Some from organisations who have ignored my attempts to get them to fix things. Others from organisations that make it nigh on impossible to complain at all. And the odd tilt at Government

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Trading Standards - corrections not welcome

If you are trying to find out about Trading Standards, it seems that all roads lead to - a site that has quite a lot of useful information, but which seems to offer absolutely no way in which the user can feedback on errors.

If you search for information on the law regarding "Hotels" (using the Site Search - which doesn't work with Firefox browsers) the results include a document mis-labelled as applying to England, Wales and Northern Ireland - when a small note at the bottom of the document actually reveals that it applies to Scotland only. I wanted to report this, and to suggest that the geographical scope of each document would best be put at the top so that the user could spot any other errors before wasting time reading the whole document.

How does the public-spirited person tell "Trading Standards Central" this?

It seems that you don't. Their website offers no contact details, and its Site Search offers no hits for "Webmaster" or anything else I could think might help. The authors of the site appear to be a company that doesn't bother to have its own website - attempts to find them lead back to ... the same website that has the problems.

There is no fax number offered, and no phone number.

I can forgive people making mistakes, but what sort of organisation is it that is so reluctant to hear about problems that they make it impossible to tell them?


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